Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 418

TT Attack with Janet, and after studying for one whole week, thank God I didn't screw up the choreography for Put a Donk on It. Hahaha. Yes, I am still TT-ing one track and still the agility track. Kakakakkaa!

Lots of comments... I will try to remember all...
* need to be more "fun" since this is the agility track
* need to learn voice contrast (because at the last block must hyper hyper a bit, cannot just all the way hyper, or in this case, all the way like happy happy only)
* too much precueing (in my defense, this track is a bit confusing, so I spent more time on precueing, and threw all my set-up cues in the first block... but I think I should find a happy medium la... )
* better posture

Out of all this, the repeated sin is my posture, but that's a really bad habit from young, and I am finding it hard to correct, but of coz, I will... Right now I'm trying to emulate the guy with the best posture I know, who is my manager Mr Lee... hahahhaa.

Guess what? I TT with the BA HT next week.. and I graduate to TWO tracks! Hahahhaa! And it's not running and agility... it's interval and POWER!