Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Day 2

I've fallen sick, and I'm helluva mad with myself. I've been dying to go to the gym today because its one of the few days that FF has Body Combat, but instead I've been visiting the toilet diligently. Just this morning I thought to myself, "hey, I don't think I've gotten SEVERE food poisoning before". Usually after a couple of trips to the toilet for a few days solves it. But today I went to the toilet 8-freaking-times and at one point was totally burning up. As Raymond puts it, anything you do 8 times also will be sien lah.

Yes, I don't feel bloated, but this is one of the few times that I wish the food I consume STAYED in my stomach a little longer. *urk* Can feel another trip coming up.

Since I knew that the food I was eating wouldn't 'stay' for long, I ate 6 sweets and 3 pieces of heavenly, hedonistically, decadent chocolates. Mmmm mmmm.

Breakfast : Oats with low fat milk, coffee with low fat milk, apricot cereal bar
Lunch : Wah Tan Hor
Dinner : Pear, 4 slices of Toast'ems.

Yum yum.