Friday, July 6, 2007

Day 25

I missed Capoeira on Thursday because I couldn't find a parking space, and there's really no point going to the gyms on Thursdays if not for Capoeira. Ended up going on Friday to make up for things with a Body Jam & Body Step back to back class. Body Jam was Jason L's class, while Body Step was Roland's (with Annie shadowing).

We're back to the old tracks with Jason L (Raymond shadowing), only did 1 new track from the new release. Did the Ran Can Can performance track, which I used to love but have now forgotten most of the steps. And when he announced that he was going to be doing CANDYMAN, wanted to slit my wrists, because that's the #1 track that I cannot do, the #1 track that I've labelled as "gila babi hutan kalimantan" level of difficulty. However, seeing the rest of the class being able to twist and turn their way across semi-inspires me (maybe its the ego) and now I'm determined to get the steps right! By the way, on JULY 19th, there is going to be the first evAr themed class for Body Jam - which is PYJAMA JAM. Sounds good? Then see you there... IN THE DRESSCODE! I can't wait to show off my jammies. =D They are so old school it'll make you laugh.

On the other end of the scale, Roland still stuck to all the new releases, which is fine by me because I think the new Body Step release is really nice (despite what Jacky from FF says!), especially for the cool down.

That's about it for Friday... I remember walking out of the class feeling dead proud that I finished two classes, but wondering when the day will come that I can finish THREE classes back-to-back. Even after Body Step, Roland said he couldn't imagine doing Body Combat after that. Been ages since I did BC. =\