Friday, December 18, 2009

Day 404

My friend came to True Fitness Taipan with me in order to give me a good workout in the free weights training area. I was quite interested in his workout regime, and I think after reading this blog, he thought I could lift a lot. Well, I *did* prove to him that I *could* lift what I said I was lifting on this blog.. but only on the machines!! For free weights, the amount that I can lift is like, half of what I can do. E.g: machine chest press I can do @ 35kg. For free weights, it's about 15kg only. So that's actually less than half!

The weight training session was very informative, and he taught me a lot of weird exercises.. different ways to attack your body. Did deadlifts (@ 80lb.. damn low right? Considering I have one mad friend who does it at 185kgs... madness!), reverse push-ups, Brazilian crunches, shoulder raises, triceps dips, attempted pullups (totally dangling there like a fool), etc. Wah, it was all very challenging.

The strange thing about the training is the delayed reaction my body had. Throughout my sister's wedding on Sat & Sun, I didn't feel fatigue. Suddenly on Tuesday, my arm started aching. Wtf? And my back feels sore!