Was a weeee bit late for Janet's Body Attack class... I blame work. Today just before I wanted to run back, my boss started talking to me about work problems... I think she wanted to rant to me.... release her stress. After listening diligently, I let out my work stress back to her pulak... hahahaha. So I don't think she felt better after talking to me. :P But I sure felt better...
Today, was happy doing Janet's class because she practically did everything from release #56 (are you impressed?? I am slowly starting to know more about the previous releases... :P :P) and thanks to that, I managed to come home and find out the name of the track that I was talking about earlier! The one we do for Attack is called "Nowhere Fast" by Southern Light.. but the original is by an 80s band called Fire Inc. Here's the Youtube video for it :
Actually... I asked Janet for the name of the song, but she forgot! She offered me something that I should not have refused, hahaha, causing jealousy to the other peeps in the class... muwahahhaa. *cannot tell what it is here* Anyway, after the class, I met her in the changing room and she asked me whether I had considered going for instructor training. *gasp!* I am so flattered wei... I seriously am touched.. hahaha. That she would consider me good enough, and some more said that she thinks that I have the stamina for it. :D :D Cos I was saying I don't think I'm good enough for instructor training, don't think I have the stamina... wah.. she make it seem like I'm comparable to these other 2 guys that have also expressed interest in going for the training.
Honestly, I always thought my Body Combat is better than my Body Attack. After all, Body ATtack, I've only done *seriously* starting this year, and Body Combat was something that I really loved since I joined the gym! If you want to talk about "passion", I thought I had passion for Body Combat, but not so sure about it now since I'm only doing it once a week. I only really like doing BC when it's certain instructors, and that shouldn't be the way right? I should be "passionate" to do BC no matter who is teaching right? For Body Attack, I attend practically everyone's BA classes... I don't discriminate, hahaha. But I'm scared that the love I have for Body Attack will fade... then again, can we all be so certain about things in life, and say that something is forever?
Anyway, back to BC vs BA... I think I'm better in BC than in BA, but there are soooo many more people doing instructor training for BC and no instructor ever said to me, "Have you thought of doing your Combat training?" The most I ever got (highest praise ever.. kekke) was, "You've only been doing Combat for 1 yr? You're really good already!" --- and then the instructor proceeded to refer to me as "The Machine" for the rest of the class cos kononnya got high stamina... hahahaha. (Ironically, this instructor teaches at FF and CF and not TF and I only attended his class ONCE... kakaka. So it's not nepotism ok.)
Sorry to sound like I'm bragging because I'm NOT... I'm just erm.. thinking out loud. I feel quite "zhi bei" to do instructor training because I don't think I even LOOK like an instructor. If I do instructor training, I want to have.. hmmm... super tight abs + super toned arms + super fit legs that would not look out of place on a horse wtf. Then when you step into a class, your students already feel super inspired already to jump like frogs and work out properly, kekeke. If you look like a joker like me, when you step into the class, the students also think, "Haha, yes, I am going for this class because this instructor will let me 'tou kai'..." Cannot lah , like that!
Wow, I'm thinking damn far ahead right! Doing the training doesn't equate to becoming an instructor anyway. Maybe I should just sign up just to see how far I can push myself. And why decide between BC and BA. I can do both what, if I choose to. If people think I'm wasting money because I plan to do training without becoming an instructor, it's anyhow my money mar...
Since I can sing and do BC / BA at the same time, see whether I can talk and jump at the same time, hahaha. Want to "push" myself to a higher level... anyway super secret thanks to Janet for planting the idea into my head and giving me more confidence. :D Cos I was standing at the back of the class (late mar) and didn't think she even noticed me... T___T I feel so touched today... kekeke...
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