Ahhhhhhhhhhh... my body is sooooooo sore at the moment. A great kind of tired soreness! I can't believe it, I planned it and I thought about it, but didn't think I could execute it. Once again, it is time for GYM MARATHON!
The plan was to do 5 classes :
>> Body Combat
>> Body Attack
>> Dance Mania
++ break for lunch ++
>> Body Step
>> Body Jam
How does that schedule sound to you? Insane? I managed to do it!! Only because there's two dance classes to break up the intensity, but let me tell you, I still sweat like mad for all five classes. It was insane! In the words of Jason, "Sweat like you've never sweated before!". Wtf wtf wtf.
Anyway, I'm so loving this gym la. It's located in a convenient place, and once again - FREE PARKING! (I don't park in Jaya 33 itself). And damn, some of their class line ups are quite good, better than Taipan. It'll be great to switch between the two, maybe spend 3 weekdays in Taipan, 1-2 in Jaya33. Then weekends if I wake up early will be Jaya33, late weekends will be for Taipan. OMG good plan or whut! Some more passport membership is cheaper (in the long run).
Dunno how long my enthusiasm is going to last though. I mean, I used to freaking love Taipan right. Also damn convenient and all. Too bad both these places are missing a HYPERMARKET. -___-
Right right... anyway, back to my marathon today.
Started the day off with 3 sets of my tricep extensions before Body Combat with Delon. This is my first class with him, he seems to be very talkative and very pro-eating fast food to compensate for calories burnt during classes. Hmmm... anyway, he did a mix of old and new tracks. Damn nice tracks, like the full metal jacket one (is that what's it's called? I really like it), tribal dance, . . . don't remember most of the feng tau music. Also did one of my favorite cool down tracks ever - When Love and Hate Collide. Good class all in all, although for the first 15 minutes my legs felt damn sore (wonder why? The last class I did was hot yoga & swimming for chrissakes!), so I was thinking about scrapping the whole 'marathon' idea.
After I had changed for the next class, saw that Jason was already in the middle of warm-up for Body Attack. I love it when classes are quite empty (although the instructors don't like that, of course). I sooooo enjoyed myself in the BOdy Attack class, could press on full speed ahead and jump and run and all that. I quite like the latest release of Body Attack after this class! :) I also like how Jason calls everyone his "brother" and "sister". Lol. During the circle track, we were supposed to end the track with a jump (and a punch in the air), but I thought it was ending with a knee (because we were doing high knee runs). So bloody looked like I was going to knee Jason in the chest, muwhahaha! Who ask him to force me to run til the knee was up to his waist! :P (Of course he had to add, "Wah. You try to kick me ar. Why? I'm so good.". @_@
I loveeeee Body Attack! XD
But do you know what I loveeeee even more? Dance Mania! It's a new class being conducted by Danny, previously was Funky Line. Pauline came just in time to join me for this class, yay. Anyway, the class started out pretty scary, because even for warm-up, Danny has a very unique way to warm-up la. Stretching more than normal people. But the warm-up track is quite cool, I forgot the 1st one, but the 2nd one is And I'm Telling You... (Jennifer Hudson? Or Jennifer Holiday?). The entire class is like MTV Jam / Cardio Jam. One whole hour dedicated to learning the choreo for one song. But each week there will be a different song. And he will do a mix of Latin, pop, hiphop, etc. He's a man of many talents la, basically. *kofF*
Today, he did erm... a mix of Latin and pop I guess. I am damn scared whenever people do Latin because the movement is damn sexy and like I've said time and again- I don't do sexy! But it was too the Spice Girl's Spice up Your Life, which is so kitschy and upbeat, who can hate dancing to it? It was very nice choreo --- if you can follow la. I die-die also tried to remember everything, but as usual, got some parts where I nearly run into someone else because I'm going in the other direction. ^^ Got lots of body rolls also... totally cannot do, I had to cheat by replacing some steps with others, otherwise I'll still be stuck at the first 8 counts. Anyway,I really enjoyed the class la. Really feel like going for it next week (means I'll have to upgrade to passport, wtf). Pauline said the instructor was looking at me whenever I did my usual nonsense... ehehe, sorry to be such a brat in the class. ^^
Had lunch after that, and when I was eating in this restaurant opposite the gym, I saw XXX who I got to know in FF walking into the TF gym. XXX is a rather prominent person in FF, so I really couldn't believe my eyes. I actually ran out of the restaurant to question him on why he's stepping into TF. :P But that actionpot totally ignored me, asked me a random question ("Aren't you late for class?") and then like went to the consultation area. WTFFFFFF. I am damn p.o'ed. I don't know if he's doing some kinda espionage or he don't remember me or whatever la. Next time I also actionpot back to him la. (sour)
Lunch was surprisingly light, shabu-shabu! Anyway, it didn't hurt my performance in Body Step class, although I was not as fast on the quickstep track, and I was reallllllly starting to feel soreness in my legs. But the ego in me refused to let me quit. Roland did a mix of old and new tracks as well, including my favorite power track at the end - Tribal Dance (yes - again!). Also, nice conditioning and cool down tracks - I believe In a Thing called Love and Stickwitu.
Ended the day with Body Jam with Su Lin. My first class with her! Saw Jon in the class as well, surprise surprise. Anyway, he talk crap la, said that he stand at the back because he's not good but as I had suspected, he memang has had lots of practice in Body Jam already. ^^ Again, nearly langgar other people in the class, but that was in the warm up. *bleh* We allocated the first half of the class to the new release (which meant the warm up track, Tambourine, Let's Get Loud, One and Only and Umbrella). Yay for One and Only! I'm damn obsessed with this song, want to find the -uncensored- version. :P
Oh yes, the instructor is perfectly lovely! She is so freaking enthusiastic and when she says, "Go crazy!!" she herself goes quite mad and frantic and her attitude is just so infectious. We did the performance block which has Hollaback Girl, Shake That Thing, Gossip Folk, etc. One of my favourite tracks, thanks to all the jungle arms, ass shaking, salt-and-pepper shaking etc. Wahhhhhhh although just underwent 5 classes, was super stamina and jumping around everywhere during her class.
Told you her attitude is infectious. ;)
And that ends my marathon for today. :) Know what else I like about working out here? It's just another 15 minutes drive to Midvalley so that I can go for evening-shopping. Lovely.... :) Bought new ipod headphones after I accidentally laundered my original ones. :( Expensive mistake. RM119 down the drain - literally!
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Day 59 + 4th Day of Infiltration
Posted by
Leech The Leceh
7:55 AM
Labels: Body Attack, Body Combat, Body Jam, Body Step, Dance Mania
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